The tried and tested all-rounder

The SH wire rope hoist programme is used around the world in many different applications. Compact, strong, particularly maintenance-friendly and an ideal when it comes to combining quality, flexibility and performance.
The module system enables almost unlimited combinations of the components. Coming in five sizes with 26 S.W.L. variants, the SH series covers the safe working load range from 500 kg to 25,000 kg. The new SH 6080 wire rope hoist extends the versatile SH wire rope hoist range to safe working loads up to 32,000 kg. The wire rope hoists can be used in stationary applications or together with trolleys in standard cranes, off-standard cranes or systems building.

If wanted, the complete wire rope hoist programme is also available in explosion-proof design for Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21 or Zone 22.

  • 5 sizes, 26 S.W.L. variants
  • Stationary version or various trolleys for cranes and systems building
  • Compact size thanks to U-shape
  • Largely maintenance-free, low wear, long service life according to FEM/ISO standards
  • Standard series with two lifting and two travel speeds
  • Particularly soft starting and braking
  • Standard series with high-quality safety components for improved work safety
  • Optionally available in explosion-proof design according to ATEX and IECEx
  • Ein Seilzug SH transportiert einen Holzstapel durch eine Lagerhalle.

    The particularly soft start of the SH wire rope hoist enables safe transport of bulky loads.

  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦在双梁桥式起重机之间进行驱动

    The SH wire rope hoist can also be used without problem under difficult conditions because its compact dimensions thanks to its U-shape permit countless possibilities of combination.

  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦安装在悬挂小车上,起重机控制器安装在平衡锤上。

    Additional equipment such as special controls or safety spacers enable individual custom solutions.

  • Ein Seilzug SH hilft bei der Installation einer überdimensionalen Uhr an einem Turm in Mekka.

    Special finishes make it possible to also use the SH wire rope hoist outdoors or in corrosive environments.

  • Vier koppelbare Seilzüge SH in einer Halle.

    A special controller sees to synchronisation of the cranes and ensures the safety of the complete system when a hoist stops. The four linkable SH wire rope hoists communicate via a modern radio system.

  • Ein schwarz lackierter Seilzug SH in der Stone Gallery in Italien.

    The SH wire rope hoist can be coated in all RAL colours as wanted.

  • Zwei Seilzüge SH mit voneinander unabhängigen Lasthaken wenden eine tonnenschwere Papierrolle, um sie in die Aufnahme einer Maschine einhängen zu können.

    Two SH wire rope hoists with separately controllable special load hooks enable lifting and turning of paper reels without lifting beam.

  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦的黄色部分具有高起重高度的长的钢丝绳卷筒

    Thanks to a double-grooved rope drum, the rope can be guided exactly without lateral hook movement.

  • Seilzug SHF in in einem Triebwerksinstandsetzungsbetrieb.

    Frequency-controlled SHF wire rope hoists work without lateral hook movement and with extremely little swinging of the load, making them ideal for sensitive loads such as jet engines.


The different models and trolley variants allow not only a wide variety of uses, but also very individualised solutions tailored to specific requirements.

  • Grafik des Seilzugs SH in stationärer Ausführung und Darstellung verschiedener Seilabgangswinkel.

    Stationary model

    The SH wire rope hoist can be used as stationary hoisting or towing equipment, for example in systems manufacture. Depending on the application, the rope lead-off angle, the attachment of the hoist and the mounting position of the hoist motor can be varied.

  • 位于双梁小车上的 SH 钢丝绳葫芦的侧视图

    OE double rail crab

    The OE double rail crab is intended for use on double girder overhead travelling cranes. The extremely compact construction makes very low approach and headroom dimensions possible and the available space can thus be used to the full. The double rail crab is available with various track gauges for the whole load capacity range and automatically compensates for any unevenness of the cross travel runway.

  • 位于单梁小车上的 SH 钢丝绳葫芦的剖面视图

    KE monorail trolley

    The KE monorail trolley is used on monorail runways and single girder overhead travelling cranes. The particularly low headroom of the trolley makes long hook paths possible even in low-ceilinged rooms.

  • 位于单梁小车上的 SH 钢丝绳葫芦的剖面视图

    UE monorail trolley

    The overall width of the UE monorail trolley is minimal and especially designed for narrow clearances. It is used on monorail runways and single girder overhead travelling cranes.

  • 位于弯轨小车上的 SH 钢丝绳葫芦的剖面视图

    DKE articulated trolley

    The DKE articulated trolley is available for frequent travel around bends and narrow radii. Depending on radius of bend, runway flange width or application, it is equipped with one or two travel motors. The side guide rollers work with minimal wear. The DKE articulated trolley is designed for load capacities up to 10,000 kg.

  • 单出绳卷筒的钢丝绳绕绳方式(三种绕绳比:1/1,2/1 和 4/1)

    Single-grooved rope drum (Standard reeving)

    The model with single-grooved rope drum is used for stationary hoisting or towing equipment or combined with various travel carriage variants.

  • Drei Seilzug-Varianten einer zweirilligen Seiltrommel mit den Einscherungen 2/2, 4/2 und 8/2

    Double-grooved rope drum (True vertical lift)

    If true vertical lift is required, we recommend this model with double-grooved rope drum (right-/left-hand thread). This version can be used both in stationary form or with travel carriages.

  • Zwei Seilzug-Varianten einer zweirilligen Seiltrommel mit Mehrpunktlastaufnahme mit den Einscherungen 2/2-2 und 4/2-2

    Double-grooved rope drum (Reeving for multiple load pick-up points)

    The model with double-grooved rope drum (right-/left-hand thread) is used for many lifting and towing tasks where the load must be picked up at more than one point and true vertical lift is required.

型号 起重量 [kg] 固定式 OE ¹ KE ² UE ² DKE ²
SH 3 3,200 0 0 0 0 0
SH 4 6,300 0 0 0 0 0
SH 5 10,000 0 0 0 0 0
SH 5 12,500 0 0 0 0 1
SHR 6 16,000 0 0 0 0 1
SH 6 25,000 0 0 1 0 1
SH 6080 32,000 0 0 1 1 1
标配    选项
¹ 双梁小车    ² 单梁小车


  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦的剖面视图,这种钢丝绳葫芦的突出特点是具有高质量的部件,如油漆、控制器、电机、起重机、电机、制动器、绳索和钢丝绳导向器、过载保护装置和钢丝绳驱动。

    The SH wire rope hoist programme boasts superior technology. The largely maintenance-free components of the modular wire rope hoist are matched to each other optimally. They guarantee constant performance, long service life and high efficiency.

  • 位于钢丝绳卷筒(带钢丝绳)上的导绳器环的特写。

    Rope and rope guide

    • Highly flexible special rope with long service life
    • Field-proven enclosed rope guide in spheroidal graphite cast iron has no temperature limitations
    • The GJS material (previously designated GGG 40) is suitable for highest and lowest temperature ranges
    • 360° rope tensioner prevents the formation of rope slack
  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦的部件颜色为绿色、黑色和黄色


    • Standard paint treatment as per RAL 6018 yellow-green and RAL 7021 black grey
    • High-quality primer and top coats for standard applications
    • Off-standard paint treatment for outdoor use or corrosive ambient conditions
    • Shade as per customer’s requirement
  • 位于负载绳悬挂处的负载传感器

    Overload cut-off

    • Permanent electronic monitoring of the suspended loads
    • Limitation of the maximum load by load measurement at the rope anchorage possible in the case of multiple reeving
  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦齿轮箱内部齿轮的特写

    Hoist gear

    • All gear stages with lifetime lubrication in oil bath
    • Modern technology ensures quiet operation
  • 打开 SH 钢丝绳葫芦的开关盒显示了控制及电机管理模块

    SLE/SMC control and motor management

    • Condition monitoring as standard
    • Inching operation is suppressed to reduce stress on equipment
    • All common control voltages available
    • High degree of safety due to oversized contactors
    • Temperature monitoring of the hoist motor and travel motor
  • SH钢丝绳葫芦(带风扇叶轮)的葫芦电机制动器的特写


    • Low-maintenance, asbestos-free brake needs no adjustment
    • Long service life thanks to oversized brake
    • Brake easily accessible for inspection from outside
    • Motor management ensures low wear
    • IP65 protection, IP66 optional
  • SH 钢丝绳葫芦(带风扇叶轮)的葫芦电机制动器的特写


    • Special-purpose motor for hoisting applications
    • Classification according to FEM/ISO standards, high-duty-cycle and switching operation frequency motor
    • IP55 protection, IP66 optional, thermal class F
    • Motor outside rope drum, highly efficient motor cooling, maintenance-friendly
    • Temperature control by PTC thermistors
  • 黄色部分是 SH 钢丝绳葫芦吊钩模块

    Rope drive

    • Optimised ratio of drum-to-sheave diameter ensures low wear on rope
    • Flexible and long-lasting wire rope
    • Wear-resistant return sheaves, fine machining provides rope-friendly grooves in rope drum
    • Drum easily accessible for rope replacement
    • Robust bottom hook block with low headroom in spite of large dimensioning of hook

Options and features

Although they are already first-class in their standard design, you can make the hoists even safer, more economical and more convenient with a range of mechanical, electrical and electronic options. They simultaneously improve performance, prolong service life and make it possible to adapt the hoist individually to specific requirements.

Here are some of the options frequently used.

  • Rotes Steuergerät mit NOT-HALT Schlagtaster.

    Control pendant

    • Robust control pendant with EMERGENCY STOP palm button and control cable
    • All switching elements for hoist, cross, and long travel are 2-step
    • IP65 protection
    • Additional buttons, such as horn activation, can be easily fitted
  • Drei verschiedene Funkfernsteuergeräte als Drucktastengerät und ein Joysticksender in Meisterschalterausführung.

    Radio remote control units

    • Flex-Wave pushbutton unit with protective cover and carry strap
    • VUE pushbutton units with feedback display
    • MLTX2 joystick transmitter with controller and carry strap
    • Optional battery chargers with standard rechargeable batteries
    • Robust, fibre-reinforced plastic housing, IP66 protection
    • Frequency ranges 433, 863 or 2,400 kHz
    • Also available in explosion-proof version
    • Other radio remote control units optionally available on request
  • Getriebeendschalter im Steuerungskasten

    Emergency hoist limit switch (gear limit switch)

    • As standard, the hoist is equipped with a geared limit switch for top and bottom hook position and an operational limit switch for top hook position
    • As an option, up to eight switching elements can be fitted to the switch. This permits further stopping positions and operational limiting in bottom hook position
  • Multicontroller SMC für permanente Lastüberwachung

    SMC Multicontroller

    • Continuous load monitoring by overload cut-off even if hoist is idling
    • Overload protection with ALC automatic load control
    • Load spectrum memory for load-related operating time summation
    • Operating data registration, e.g. operating hours, load spectrum, motor switching operations and load cycles
    • Data exchange with PC possible
  • Fahrendschalter für die Befestigung am Katzfahrwerk.

    Travel limit switch

    • Travel limit switch on crab available as option
    • Limiting for both directions of travel
    • Switchover from “fast/slow” (predisconnect)
    • Switch contacts designed for control current
    • IP66 protection
  • Large-format load indicator with luminous red digits.

    Load display

    • SLD four-digit 7-segment load display, large format, luminous red
    • Available with various interfaces including CAN
    • Choice of 100 or 150 mm digit height
    • Combinable with the hoist’s overload sensor and the SMC multicontroller available as an option, no additional fixtures or load attachment devices are required, the headroom of the hoist remains unchanged
  • Verschiedene optische Signalgeber.

    Signal transmitters

    • Visual and acoustic signal transmitters such as horn and flashing light can be mounted on trolleys
    • Signal transmitters can be activated by a button on the control pendant
  • Handlüftung der Hubwerksbremse eines Seilzugs SH von STAHL CraneSystems.

    Manual venting of hoist brake

    • The brake release device permits the hoist brake to be released manually, allowing the load to be lowered during a loss of power
    • As an option, every hoist can be equipped with this supplementary equipment to the standard brake
  • Nahaufnahme einer Seiltrommelbremse

    Rope drum brake

    • Redundant brake system provides increased safety
    • Intercept and holding brake prevents the load falling even if the gear should break
    • Control is effected by a speed sensor and safety device
  • Frequency inverters

    Frequency inverters for “lifting” and “travelling”

    • Smooth starting and braking characteristics
    • Load swing greatly reduced
    • Fast, precise positioning of the load, corrective switching operations rarely necessary
    • The reduced dynamic load means longer service life for all components
    • Worldwide approvals for all frequency inverters
  • Grafik des Twin Drive Concept TDC
    • Prevents sagging of the load even when the gearbox fails
    • Permanent brake, drive and load monitoring
    • Two synchronously controlled hoist motors and brakes
    • Two manually releasable brakes for emergency lowering
    • Robust, completely encapsulated system
    • Service and safety brake of identical design
    • Up to 60 % higher load capacities when transporting non-molten metals



SH 钢丝绳电动葫芦




Wire rope hoists –

216 pages



Wire Rope Hoists Ex – SH, AS

196 pages

05.2015 | Rev. 04.2016


The wire rope hoist SH

1 page



The wire rope hoist SH

80 x 60 cm



STAHL CraneSystems 的 SH 6080 钢丝绳葫芦

SH 6080 钢丝绳葫芦

SH 6080 钢丝绳葫芦方案可用于高达 32,000 kg 的负载。

 SH 6080 钢丝绳葫芦

AS 7 钢丝绳葫芦最高额定载荷可达 80,000 kg。AS 7 钢丝绳葫芦相当稳固且归功于它紧凑的结构使得在系统和有限空间中理想地应用。

AS 7 钢丝绳葫芦


 AS 7 钢丝绳葫芦


SHW 8 卷扬机


 SHW 8 卷扬机

STAHL CraneSystems 公司在防爆钢丝绳葫芦的制造方面精益求精:公司拥有自主的研发和制造流程,并且通过了国际认证。公司在这方面积累了 140 多年的丰富经验。

钢丝绳葫芦 Ex | 绞车 Ex

防爆钢丝绳葫芦和绞车通过 ATEX 和 IECEx 认证,适用于 1 区、2 区以及 21 区或 22 区。

 钢丝绳葫芦 Ex | 绞车 Ex

双驱动 TDC 概念满足了 DIN EN 14492-2 对运输熔融金属的所有要求。有 TDC 设计的钢丝绳葫芦适用于铸造厂和化工厂。

TDC 双驱动概念


 TDC 双驱动概念

来自STAHL CraneSystems的 LNG 葫芦专门为 LNG 工厂的维护进行设计。葫芦的冗余设计在危险的区域提供了双重安全保护。

LNG 钢丝绳葫芦

用于液化天然气储罐和 LNG 终端的工程解决方案,分四个安全等级。

 LNG 钢丝绳葫芦

在英国,很多的 ST 型环链葫芦被用于铁路轨道的维护和更换。


